Monday, May 16, 2011

Blueprinted Scarf Mimosa Make & Take

We were praying to the "sun gods" yesterday! With a weekend full of rain and forecasted rain, we were a little worried about our Blueprinted Scarf Mimosa Make & Take class that relies on the light of the sun! Luckily the rain held out for just the right amount of time! In our rush to beat the rain and the excitement of the class- I forgot to take any pictures until after the prints were done!

Using all sorts of found and natural objects, we created fabric patterns using the sun.

After they were rinsed out, it was a surprise to see how bright blue the fabric became and how wonderful our scarves looked!

Margaret Hluch, our instructor, showed us how to add a new color and patterning to our scarves using various folding and tying techniques. Here she is showing Judith a special way to create a systematic pattern.

The results after the tea bath...

They all turned out great!

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